Chase is a hazardous waste disposal company. Our team of specialists, including project managers, engineers and field crew are committed to providing hazardous waste remediation, treatment, cleanup and disposal services that meet your quality standards and budget. We respond to your needs quickly while providing low-cost, compliant solutions for your hazardous waste treatment. Chase has full bonding capabilities so we can provide you with:
• Hazardous waste management and cleanup • Hazardous waste disposal • Non-hazardous waste removal • Transportation, disposal and brokerage services • Contaminated Soil Remediation and Excavation • Contaminated Soil Disposal • Contaminated Groundwater Remediation • Lab packing and consolidation • Industrial cleaning • Soil vapor extraction, air sparging, and soil venting • Labor farming, bioreactor and composting • Mechanical stabilization
Contact us to see how we can assist you in your hazardous waste management and disposal, email: Chase Environmental Group or call toll free: 877-234-5687.