Chase Environmental Group was contracted for the investigation and remediation of Soil and Groundwater at a gasoline station.
Dual Phase Extraction using Chase’s VAMPIRE unit was selected to remediate the groundwater plume. Three 8-hour VAMPIRE™ events were performed resulting in the removal of 57 lbs of BTEX compounds Groundwater sampling and analysis was performed which confirmed the complete removal of the contaminants.
Chase Environmental Group was contracted for the investigation and remediation of Soil and Groundwater at a dry cleaning facility. A groundwater assessment identified extensive subsurface Tetrachloroethylene (TCE) contamination in an area immediately adjacent to the dry cleaning areas.
The Corrective Action Plan was implemented in two stages:
Stage 1: Dual Phase Extraction using Chase’s VAMPIRE unit. Three events were completedand resulted in the removal of 27 lbs of chlorinated compounds.
Stage 2: Chase injection system was used to complete the degradation of the chlorinated compounds to acceptable levels, using a hydrogen releasing compound.
After remediation activities were completed, groundwater sampling and analysis confirmed the contaminant limits were below regulatory levels.
Chase provided the following services: Injection of client selected bioremediation solution and microbes into fractured bedrock using a straddle packer down hole assembly to isolate distribution intervals. The slurries were installed through this process using a top down injection technique to ensure effective distribution within the subsurface. The bioremediation agents were injected at rates ranging from 5 – 15 gallons/min with pressures ranging from 45 – 200 psi relative to defined formation fractures.
Chase Environmental Group (Chase) was contracted to perform the remediation of a former underground storage tank site. The site had been contaminated with gasoline constituents (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene).
Chase provided crew and equipment to prepare and inject treatment slurries through Geoprobe® rods using a top down injection technique to ensure effective distribution within the subsurface. Typical injection rates were 30 gpm at 200 psi.
Chase crew completed injecting calcium polysulfide solution inside an active chrome plating facility in two phases, a pilot study with 7,000 gallons and the larger project, injecting 20,000 gallons.
Chase Environmental Group, Inc.
11450 Watterson Court
Louisville, KY 40299-2389
Telephone: 502-267-1455
Fax: 502-267-7299
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